Lead management CRM and sales pipeline
Manage each customer in specific pipelines and follow them through the entire sales journey.
Turn leads and conversations into customers and grow revenue.
Workflow automation
Automate any step of your sales process. You can trigger various automation whenever you create a deal or move a deal along a pipeline stage.
Customize your pipeline stages
Set up your CRM pipeline to match your business sales cycle. Add custom stages name and fields.
Pull leads into your CRM
You can easily capture leads from different outlets and bring them into your Wrazy's CRM.
A complete marketing & management platform with a powerful Integrated CRM is essential to any business.
See your entire sales pipeline
See your entire sales pipeline in a single view and move leads through your pipeline automatically with workflow automation or through simple drag and drop.
Other features:
Import leads and deals
Import your leads in bulk from a spreadsheet with Wrazy's importing function
Track calls and leads in real-time
Improve your lead generation with call tracking and recording.
Group contacts into smart list
Smart lists allow you to sort, filter, and manage contacts using data and information in the contact's account!
Lead and deal management
Organize leads and deals in pipelines and customize the stages to fit your sales cycle or process.
Get Insights Into your sale cycle
Wrazy's dashboard brings your sales pipeline full center by turning sales metrics and reports into visual charts that you can customize and filter your way.
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© Wrazy. 2022